It's Time To Stop Underperforming. Bring Your Visions To Reality On THIS Timeline.

86% of Educated Adults NEVER Accomplish Their Soul-Level Goals! Keep Reading to Join the 14% Who Do...

Sascha, you have an intuitive gift. I don’t know how you do it, but I’m always just amazed. 

- Jeni Hott

The World’s First 7-Figure Blogger

Working with Sascha and Jonathan has helped me to make mental shifts that have allowed me to ask for and get substantial raises, get a higher paid position, and sell at a higher price point with confidence knowing that the best fit for me is out there.

-Leia Dingott

Top Estate Planning Attorney

I’d like to submit a review that says even touching your energy may cause spontaneous energetic movement! 

- Safiyyah Cummings


As Featured in...

Hey! We're Sascha and Jonathan Schlossberg. We're homeschooling parents of four, ClickFunnels 2-Comma Club Award winners, and working actors. Maybe you've seen us in TV commercials for JCPenney or Marriott, on shows like Grey's Anatomy or Criminal Minds, or in films like Jerry Maguire. We are here to help you create total freedom in your own life. Your biggest dreams can be real.

Hey! We're Sascha and Jonathan Schlossberg. We're homeschooling parents of four, ClickFunnels 2-Comma Club Award winners, and working actors. Maybe you've seen us in TV commercials for JCPenney or Marriott, on shows like Grey's Anatomy or Criminal Minds, or in films like Jerry Maguire. We are here to help you create total freedom in your own life. Your biggest dreams can be real.

Sascha, you have an intuitive gift. I don’t know how you do it, but I’m always just amazed. 

- Jeni Hott

The World’s First 7-Figure Blogger

Working with Sascha and Jonathan has helped me to make mental shifts that have allowed me to ask for and get substantial raises, get a higher paid position, and sell at a higher price point with confidence knowing that the best fit for me is out there.

-Leia Dingott

Top Estate Planning Attorney

I’d like to submit a review that says even touching your energy may cause spontaneous energetic movement! 

- Safiyyah Cummings


ATTENTION: Dream chasers...

If you have big goals for your life but didn’t grow up with married wealthy parents, you’re at a (very fixable!) disadvantage.

In fact, if you grew up middle class, you grew up with the biggest disadvantage: you grew up being told you can do anything.

Your parents encouraged you as much as they could, but all of the limiting beliefs that kept your parents middle class imprinted on you, and now you’re stuck. (“First world problems” are still problems, right?)

Plus, with inflation and economic policies, the middle class is shrinking as the internet and accessibility of information grows. Things should be easy, yet they feel out of reach.

AND there just doesn't seem to be enough TIME.

...When things are going well, you don't know which opportunities to pursue (and in what order). When things aren't going well, you don't know which step to take first to get the flow going again.

You don't have enough time to focus to get the work done. You don't have enough accountability to get the work done on the timeline you'd like.

Prioritization. Time to do the work. Focus.

These all take time... And you just don't have enough of it.

So you haven’t given up on your biggest soul-level goals, but they do seem harder to get to… And you don’t want to admit it, but sometimes they actually feel impossible.

Also, you’re not getting any younger, and life keeps throwing one setback after another. (This is so common!)

You think to yourself, your life is good enough. It’s great, even, by plenty of standards, but you can’t bring yourself to settle. You can’t explain why, but you WANT your goal to be realized and you think you sort of know what to do…

…But knowing what to do and actually doing it are two different things.

You’ve mastered what doesn’t work:

🫠 Forcing yourself into discipline (5am mornings, ice baths, relentless to do lists)

🫠 Hiring coaches (they’re great, usually, but you aren’t making the progress you really want)

🫠 Therapy (fantastic for healing, but not for accomplishing your large goals)

🫠 Joining more programs (you’re learning great specific content, but somehow it’s still not enough)

Maybe things are starting to feel a little “make or break”. Something has to shift.

Is that goal actually going to happen after all???

Part of what holds you back is you know what really matters:

💕 Your family

💕 Your health

💕 Your peace of mind

💕 Your time

…And you’re unwilling to sacrifice any of those to get to your goals.

You’ve mastered what doesn’t work:

🫠 Forcing yourself into discipline (5am mornings, ice baths, relentless to do lists)

🫠 Hiring coaches (they’re great, usually, but you aren’t making the progress you really want)

🫠 Therapy (fantastic for healing, but not for accomplishing your large goals)

🫠 Joining more programs (you’re learning great specific content, but somehow it’s still not enough)

Maybe things are starting to feel a little “make or break”. Something has to shift.

Is that goal actually going to happen after all???

Part of what holds you back is you know what really matters:

💕 Your family

💕 Your health

💕 Your peace of mind

💕 Your time

…And you’re unwilling to sacrifice any of those to get to your goals.

You’ve mastered what doesn’t work:

🫠 Forcing yourself into discipline (5am mornings, ice baths, relentless to do lists)

🫠 Hiring coaches (they’re great, usually, but you aren’t making the progress you really want)

🫠 Therapy (fantastic for healing, but not for accomplishing your large goals)

🫠 Joining more programs (you’re learning great specific content, but somehow it’s still not enough)

Maybe things are starting to feel a little “make or break”. Something has to shift.

Is that goal actually going to happen after all???

Part of what holds you back is you know what really matters:

💕 Your family

💕 Your health

💕 Your peace of mind

💕 Your time

…And you’re unwilling to sacrifice any of those to get to your goals.

Some of my wins since working with you: I made my first $26k month, I’ve been having $1k days, and I’m retiring from my job.

- Nicole Barham

Finance Systems Coach

Sascha and Jonathan Schlossberg are epic humans with huge hearts and a “how the heck do they pull it all that off” kinda life. 

- Ry Schwartz Copywriter Responsible for Over $25,000,000 in Launches

My goal is to get two to five new doctors as customers per month. My numbers went up two to three times that once I started working with you.

- Dr Amanda Wilson

Orthodontic Consultant

Some of my wins since working with you: I made my first $26k month, I’ve been having $1k days, and I’m retiring from my job.

- Nicole Barham

Finance Systems Coach

Sascha and Jonathan Schlossberg are epic humans with huge hearts and a “how the heck do they pull it all that off” kinda life. 

- Ry Schwartz Copywriter Responsible for Over $25,000,000 in Launches

My goal is to get two to five new doctors as customers per month. My numbers went up two to three times that once I started working with you.

- Dr Amanda Wilson

Orthodontic Consultant

You’ve done mindset work, hired coaches, and know how to spot your own limiting beliefs, and still… Something major is missing: your breakthrough.😫

You want that breakthrough secretly more than anything, but you’re tired of things not working.

For good reason, too: it’s actually impossible to force or strategize yourself into prioritization and DOING…

That’s because that’s not how the biggest goals are accomplished and that’s why you’re still stuck. Because there’s a secret you haven’t cracked open:

Life and business are like a video game.

There are cheat codes.

Think about every major good thing that’s happened in your life.

While you desired it, you didn’t get it from a To Do List.

Finding a romantic partner, a dream job, that perfect wish list item… There was magic at play there, wasn’t there?

✨Coincidences, perhaps?✨

Good news: there are no coincidences.

To put it plainly, that same curiosity, intuition, and guidance that got you some other miracle in your life got you here, too.

…That’s because your BIGGEST soul-level goals are still possible. Everything is possible, and your goal is meant for you.

You’re meant to experience that goal as real - now.

And your curiosity, intuition, guidance, and the magic that brought you here? These are all things that can be purposefully engineered to your advantage to accomplish the biggest breakthroughs in your life.

Discover how Goal Alchemy can transform all your personal potential into breakthrough success.

There’s no easier way to accomplish something than to learn from people who’ve already done it.

…People who’ve become astronauts, actors on film and tv, published books, won awards for business, gotten married to great partners, accomplished wild financial milestones (like $10k, $25k, $40k, and even $100k months), and so much more…

Discover how Goal Alchemy can transform all your personal potential into breakthrough success.

There’s no easier way to accomplish something than to learn from people who’ve already done it.

…People who’ve become astronauts, actors on film and tv, published books, won awards for business, gotten married to great partners, accomplished wild financial milestones, and so much more…

Sascha is the person I turn to for strategy for my two influencer daughters (they have over 4 million followers between them).

- Amy T


Sascha was instrumental in helping our first video go viral, getting us on CBS Evening News, Time, and the Today Show’s website. Her tactics helped us gain tens of thousands of followers and our video seen by moms around the world.

- Masha S

Actor and Filmmaker

Jonathan and Sascha operate at the highest level and deliver results. There is no one I would trust more to partner with.

- Chris Croy

Photographer + Entrepreneur

Sascha is the person I turn to for strategy for my two influencer daughters (they have over 4 million followers between them).

- Amy T


Sascha was instrumental in helping our first video go viral, getting us on CBS Evening News, Time, and the Today Show’s website. Her tactics helped us gain tens of thousands of followers and our video seen by moms around the world.

- Masha S

Business Consultant

Jonathan and Sascha operate at the highest level and deliver results. There is no one I would trust more to partner with.

- Chris Croy

Photographer + Entrepreneur

Goal Alchemy is the space where your goals and dreams become actualized in your real life.

If you’re like most people before they join Goal Alchemy, you’re thinking more than you’re taking action - which is exhausting and keeps you stuck.

Goal Alchemy is the space where your goals become your actual real life.

Whether you’re more scared of success or whether you’re more scared of failure, if you’re like most people before they join Goal Alchemy, you’re thinking more than you’re taking action - which is exhausting and keeps you stuck.

Here’s everything you get in Goal Alchemy:

1. Cultivate The Uncommon Mindset For Extraordinary Success:

These modules take you beyond limiting beliefs and mindset blocks. We’re taking your goals off the pedestal so we can make them possible - on THIS timeline.

2. Suspend Disbelief And Embrace Creativity:

Creativity is the currency of the future. We’re using neuroscience and psychology to expand possibilities and design your new reality - the one where you (and everyone around you gets to) win.

3. Rearrange Your Reality:

Things can shift very quickly when you use our personal identity techniques to break through the barriers of fear and self doubt.

1. Cultivate The Uncommon Mindset For Extraordinary Success:

These modules take you beyond limiting beliefs and mindset blocks. We’re taking your goals off the pedestal so we can make them possible - on THIS timeline.

2. Suspend Disbelief And Embrace Creativity:

Creativity is the currency of the future. We’re using neuroscience and psychology to expand possibilities and design your new reality - the one where you (and everyone around you gets to) win.

3. Rearrange Your Reality:

Things can shift very quickly when you use our personal identity techniques to break through the barriers of fear and self doubt.

4. Craft Your Identity As A Goal Achiever:

We're using Human Design charts to turn everything you holding you back into your biggest advantages. Everything here is for the Highest Good.

5. Find Your Hidden Superpowers:

Feel like things weren’t working and you aren’t sure why? We’ll discover why - and the simple solutions to amplify your super powers - here. Life feels better and wins come easier.

6. Powering Your Vision:

Here’s where consistency and confidence become who you are - without pushing or discipline.

7. Daily Hacks For Sustained Inspiration:

Motivation is like showering. We do need to do it daily. These modules are important when things are going poorly, but even more so when things are going really well. Success is full of traps.

8. Building Your Extraordinary Inner Circle:

Whether you’re dealing with an unsupportive spouse, family that just doesn’t get it, or you just want more wealthy friends to travel with, your success depends on building your community. These modules show you how.

9. Unconventional Action Steps:

Uncommon goals need uncommon planning. Decision making tools for “What do I do next?”, “What do I do now?”, and “How do I decide what to do?” based on your unique design.

You’re born with a dream and with every tool you need to make them real. We’re here to help you complete your mission. Call us the Galdalf to your Frodo Baggins. (Pop culture references optional.) 

How Goal Alchemy Works:

  • Live trainings 

  • Pre-recorded video modules 

  • Live Q+A sessions - Plus, you can submit your questions in advance, if you’re camera-shy!

  • All recordings and future upgrades (like transcripts on the final version!)

  • A supportive, validating Facebook community - You’ll need new friends on your new energetic frequency.

  • Email accountability - So you never feel lost.

  • Lifetime access to Goal Alchemy Learning Portal - No rushing here!

  • Live trainings 

  • Pre-recorded video modules 

  • Live Q+A sessions - Plus, you can submit your questions in advance, if you’re camera-shy!

  • All recordings and future upgrades (like transcripts on the final version!)

  • A supportive, validating Facebook community - You’ll need new friends on your new energetic frequency.

  • Email accountability - So you never feel lost.

  • Lifetime access to everything - No rushing here!

PLUS SPECIAL BONUSES: Grab these special bonuses before they’re gone!

PLUS SPECIAL BONUSES: Grab these special bonuses before they’re gone!

Everyone has a brand but most people aren’t intentional. When you nail your brand, you change your life. Learn how to define yourself, your ideal audience, and why people like to follow you - so you become truly magnetic.

Social media is the fastest and free-est way to generate opportunities, as if by magic. This course will optimize your profiles so opportunities (new connections, new clients, and more) find you more easily.

A 3-Part Masterclass on Power, Identity, and Your Next Level Breakthrough

If you've ever felt like there's something missing, like there's a gap between who you are and who you desire to be, this 3-part master class on identity, power, and your next level breakthrough is exactly what you need.

Ready to Transform Your Dreams into Reality?

Ready to Transform Your Dreams into Reality?

You’re here because you’re ready for a new paradigm - one where you break through with ease.

It’s time you learn one of the biggest secrets to breakthroughs:

Every single one of your perceived weaknesses has a hidden strength underneath it, one that - when properly utilized - will make your life feel like magic.

Combine that with science-backed manifestation techniques… Miracles happen.

Things will feel easier.

Things will BE easier.

Dreamy synchronicities will begin to appear with delightful regularity.

Your goals will become real.

You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

When you enroll in Goal Alchemy you gain access to a network of people who are living their goals - no longer striving and struggling. 

When you enroll in Goal Alchemy you gain access to a network of people who are living their goals - not striving and struggling. 

Goal Alchemy is a space where:

  • Your soul-level goals (even the biggest, most secret ones) are normal and welcome.

  • You’re given full permission to embrace your weirdness, your creativity, your full self to design your own dream life.

  • Everyone has one thing in common: the pursuit and support of unconventionally large goals.

  • You’ll build your dream life in community (because the universe works through people).

Secure Your Spot in Goal Alchemy Today and

Start Living Your Dream Life.

Secure Your Spot in Goal Alchemy Today and

Start Living Your Dream Life.

This is not for you if…

You have big goals you’d like to accomplish by a Very Specific Time. We LOVE big goals, but the “Very Specific Time” people are overly self-reliant which actually blocks intuitive growth. Anything that could be accomplished by the end of the year (for example) could be accomplished in three months, if you’re open to letting your intuition, faith, and divine guidance work WITH you. Miracles are real. You know that, if you have goals as big as you do, right? In Goal Alchemy, we work with miracles - not stressful timelines.

You are willing to let the naysayers win. Reality is for suckers and people who don’t really need to accomplish their goals. If you’re very attached to reality, the challenges of it, and listening to naysayers, Goal Alchemy is not for you. We build our own reality in Goal Alchemy.

You are willing to let the naysayers win. Reality is for suckers and people who don’t really need to accomplish their goals. If you’re very attached to reality, the challenges of it, and listening to naysayers, Goal Alchemy is not for you. We build our own reality in Goal Alchemy.

Goal Alchemy is the perfect fit for you if…

  • You know your goal is meant for you on a soul level and yet you can’t even picture yourself living that dream life.

  • You have an idea what’s holding you back but you know it’s more than surface level mindset or procrastination.

  • You’ve done healing or growth work and are already on your path to breakthrough.

  • You want a supportive community of other goal getters.

  • You want accountability for progress and completion.

  • You want to have fun!

Why continue wasting your time in free groups, at free online events, and trying new planners -when it can actually be easy?

Spend less time healing, less time planning, more time being fully you.

Magic surrounds us. It's everywhere. Learn to receive more of it yourself in Goal Alchemy.

Magic surrounds us. It's everywhere. Learn to receive more of it yourself in Goal Alchemy.


Is this spiritual or religious?

We use language ranging from God to the universe. Everything we use can be sourced or referenced via traditional science, religion, and spirituality and we’re flexible in the language we use. All philosophies and religions are welcome. Most Goal Alchemy clients do have a strong faith, though their specific faiths vary widely.

What if my goal isn’t THAT big?

Big is relative. We have retirees with impact-driven missions. They’re motivated to use the wisdom they’ve acquired to make the world a better place before they leave and to receive financial reward for it.

What if my goal is REALLY big?

Then it’s a good thing you’ll have lifetime access to Goal Alchemy. 

How much time does this take?

That is up to you. Modules can be done at your own pace and the homework is minimal and doesn’t feel like homework at all. Community involvement is up to you - but very much worth it. If you join while there are live calls, those are an hour long. This is not deep work, shadow work, or journaling practices. We love those, but they’re not a part of Goal Alchemy. Goal Alchemy is created by a busy mom of four who’s launched businesses and had major life breakthroughs while pregnant and homeschooling. Plant medicine retreats sound cool for breakthroughs, but this work can be done without drugs, hotels, or airfare. …Or ice baths.

How does this differ from other programs?

Most programs focus only on manifestation, mindset, strategy, behavior change, or identity. Goal Alchemy’s process creates breakthroughs by blending all of these using simple methods custom to YOU.

Is it live or recorded?

Both. Some lessons will be released pre-recorded and some will be given live. All recordings will be made available and questions can be submitted in advance to the live Q+A sessions.

Is there a refund policy?

Our policy is there are no refunds. Goal Alchemy clients know that investing in themselves is always their best investment. Goal Alchemy includes everything you’ve read about here and all the testimonials on this website are real. If you’re not confident in your ability to transform in a space designed for you to do so, then do not proceed. Your transformation comes when you have absolute trust that you will rise. Goal Alchemy speeds and smooths that process but it doesn’t guarantee it. Wouldn’t a guarantee be silly? How would we do that? Come to your house and sit next to you? We trust you. Do you trust you?

How would ChatGPT describe Goal Alchemy?

We plugged our full program in and asked for a summary. Here’s what it said: Goal Alchemy is a dynamic journey of self-discovery and empowerment, guiding participants to unlock their intuition and transform their aspirations into tangible realities. Led by accomplished instructor Sascha Stucky Schlossberg, this course blends profound mindset shifts, intuitive guidance, practical methodologies, and spiritual insights to empower students to break free from societal limitations, conquer self-imposed limitations, and manifest their boldest dreams. Through a series of immersive modules, students will embark on a transformative exploration, uncovering their innate strengths, clarifying their visions, and embracing their unique paths to success. With a focus on fostering resilience, authenticity, and unwavering belief, Goal Alchemy equips students with the tools and mindset needed to thrive in both personal and professional pursuits.

Elevate your consciousness, your identity, and your mindset mastery to make accomplishing your biggest goals a natural byproduct of who you are.

Now is the perfect time to step into the drivers seat of your own life.

Elevate your consciousness, your identity, and your mindset mastery to make accomplishing your biggest goals a natural byproduct of who you are.

Now is the perfect time to step into the drivers seat of your own life.

A Final Note and Special Bonus…

During the pilot program, all modules are being recorded and will be released during live sessions.

Pilot program members receive 3 group Q+A sessions each month for the duration of the pilot program. Once the modules are all fully revised and completed, group sessions will decrease as the content of the modules will fully support your transformation. The pilot program will likely last into 2025, so you’ll have plenty of time to access the group sessions.

As an additional thank you for joining during the Pilot Program, you’ll receive one bonus 30-minute 1:1 session with Sascha. (A regular priced VIP session with Sascha is 3 hours and $3750, so this 1:1’s is worth $625!).

These sessions can be used for mindset, strategy, and anything in between.


Accomplishing your goals feels joyful, happy, ecstatic, but more importantly… fulfilled.

Accomplishing your goals allows you to contribute to art, to society, to create a lasting legacy for those you love - and those you’ve never even met.

Accomplishing your goals gives you the ability to do exactly what you love, what your soul is telling you you're meant for - so you can do more in life.

Give yourself permission.

Secure your future THROUGH your big vision.

Where most growth programs focus on ONE thing: manifestation, mindset, identity, behavior change, vision and goal setting, or strategy, Goal Alchemy blends it all to create faster quantum leaps.

Remember: most people don’t fail because they did something wrong... They fail because they settle.

What Are You Waiting For? Secure Your Spot in

Goal Alchemy Today and Start Living Your Dream Life.

What Are You Waiting For? Secure Your Spot in

Goal Alchemy Today and Start Living Your Dream Life.

© Guud Marketing LLC+ Goal Alchemy,, 2024 / All Rights Reserved .

Need help? Email [email protected]

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© Goal Alchemy + Guud Marketing LLC, 2024 / All Rights Reserved .

Need help? Email [email protected]

This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way.

FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM GUUD.

Privacy Policy | Contact

© Goal Alchemy + Guud Marketing LLC, 2024 / All Rights Reserved .

Need help? Email [email protected]

This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way.

FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated on this page and discussed in the training curriculum are our personal sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of previous or existing clients. Please understand these results are not typical. We’re not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter). The average person who buys “how to” information gets little to no results. We’re using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you’re not willing to accept that, please DO NOT PURCHASE FROM GUUD.

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